Übersetzungen Gründing - Gruending Translations






Translations Gruending - Rates

Rates depend on subject matter and scope of the job: per line of target text (55 characters including spaces), per source word or per hour.

Rates are agreed on an individual basis.

The certification rate depends on the text volume. A charge of EUR 5.50 up to 10 pages is normally made.

In general, fees are based on the regulations of the German law on the remuneration of expertise providers, interpreters, translators and on the compensation for honorary magistrates, witnesses and third parties (German Judicial Remuneration and Compensation Act), JVEG. For more information in German please refer to: www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bundesrecht/jveg/gesamt.pdf

A translation of relevant extracts of this law follows:

Section 11 - Fee for translations

  1. The fee for a translation amounts to 1.25 EUR for each 55 keystrokes or fraction thereof in the written text. If the translation is considerably more difficult, in particular due to the use of technical terms or due to poor legibility of the text, the fee increases to 1.85 EUR; in the case of extraordinarily difficult texts it is 4 EUR. The target language text is the standard for the number of keystrokes; if, however, Latin characters are used only in the source language, the number of keystrokes in the source language text is the standard. If counting the keystrokes is associated with excessive effort, their number is determined by taking into account the average number of keystrokes per line and counting the lines.
  2. For one or more translations which are part of the same order, the minimum fee is 15 EUR.
  3. Insofar as the service of the translator consists of reviewing documents or telecommunication recordings for specific content without the need of preparing a written translation for these, the fee received will be that of an interpreter.

Section 9, Paragraph 3 of the JVEG specifies that interpreters are to be remunerated at a rate of 55 EUR per hour.

The basic line rate of 1.25 EUR in target text for German to English is equivalent to approximately 18 cent (EUR) per source word.



Gruending Translations - Dr. Yasmin Gründing - Amalienstr. 3 - D-93133 Burglengenfeld - Germany - E-Mail - Tel.:+49(0)9471-6140 -About&Data Protection - T&Cs